List of Experiments
1 To study the different parts of an Induction motor.
2 To determine the equivalent–circuit parameters of a 3 -f Induction motor by (i) No load test (ii) Blocked rotor test
3 To determine the Torque / speed characteristics of a 3-f Induction motor
4 To study the speed control of an Induction motor by pole-changing method
5 To study the speed control of an Induction motor by varying voltage
6 To study the speed control of an Induction motor by changing rotor resistance
7 To Study of the construction of a synchronous machine
8 To obtain the OCC and SCC of a synchronous machine by Synchronous impedance method
9 To find voltage regulation of an alternator by actual loading
10 To obtain the V-curves and inverted V-curves of a synchronous motor
11 To conduct slip-test on a salient-pole synchronous machine and hence determine its direct and quadrature – axis reactances
List of major Equipments
Study of separately excited DC shunt generator Model: ASI-EHSE
Study of DC series motor and shunt generator Model: ASI-GCPM
Load test of DC shunt generator Model: ASI-GCPE
Study of DC compound generator Model: ASI-DCHT
Study of shunt generator and separtely excited generator Model: ASI-EHSE
Single Phase transformer lab trainer Model: MARS -2401E
Sumpner's Test of Single Phase transformer Model: MARS -2410A
Three Phase Variacs (10A, Vac=470V (max)) Model: SKYLINE- 10-15-05, 10-15-06, 10-15-07
Three Phase Variacs (3A, Vac=100V (max)) Model: 3ph Dimmer S.No: 1709008 Make: ANSHUMAN
Single Phase Shunt Motor (1hp, 230V, 3.6A) with spring balance S.No: 10519,10520,10521 Make: BE
Three Phase Induction Motor (2hp, 415V, 3.5A) coupled with Single Phase Compound Generator (1hp, 2.9A) S.No: (10537:1058), (10539:1059), (10538:1057) Make: BE
Shunt Motor (2hp, 6.4A) coupled with Shunt Generator (1hp, 2.9A) S.No: (1053:1061), (10524:1060), (10512:1057)
Three Phase Induction Motor (2hp, 3.5A) coupled with Single Phase Shunt Generator (1hp, 2.9A) S.No: (10520:1058) Make: BE
Series Motor (2hp, 6.4A) coupled with Single Phase Shunt Generator (1hp, 2.9A) S.No: (10515:1055), (10514:1054), (10513:1056) Make: BE
Three Phase Induction Motor (2hp, 3.5A) with 2 Shunt Generators (1hp, 2.9A) S.No: (11151:10523:10522), (11152:1051:1052)
Resistive Lamp Load Make: MARS, ME 2328A
Compound Motor (0.5hp, 1.6A) S.No: (10528), (10529), (10530) Make: BE
Series Motor (0.5hp, 1.6A) S.No: (10525), (10526), (10527) Make: BE
Three Phase Induction Motor (0.5hp, 0.9A) S.No: (10534), (10535), (10536) Make: BE
Three Phase Slip Ring Induction Motor (1hp, 1.8A) S.No: (10540), (10541) Make: BE
Induction Motor (Cap) (0.5hp, 3A) S.No: (10531), (10532), (10533) Make: BE
Shunt Motor (0.5hp, 1.6A) S.No: (10522), (10523) Make: BE
Three Phase Synchronous Motor (1hp, 1.8A) S.No: (10542), (10542),(10543) Make: BE