List of Experiments

1 To study the different parts of an Induction motor.

2 To determine the equivalent–circuit parameters of a 3 -f Induction motor by (i) No load test (ii) Blocked rotor test

3 To determine the Torque / speed characteristics of a 3-f Induction motor

4 To study the speed control of an Induction motor by pole-changing method

5 To study the speed control of an Induction motor by varying voltage

6 To study the speed control of an Induction motor by changing rotor resistance

7 To Study of the construction of a synchronous machine

8 To obtain the OCC and SCC of a synchronous machine by Synchronous impedance method

9 To find voltage regulation of an alternator by actual loading

10 To obtain the V-curves and inverted V-curves of a synchronous motor

11 To conduct slip-test on a salient-pole synchronous machine and hence determine its direct and quadrature – axis reactances

List of major Equipments

Study of separately excited DC shunt generator

Study of DC series motor and shunt generator

Load test of DC shunt generator

Study of DC compound generator

Study of shunt generator and separtely excited generator

Single Phase transformer lab trainer
Model: MARS -2401E

Sumpner's Test of Single Phase transformer
Model: MARS -2410A

Three Phase Variacs (10A, Vac=470V (max))
Model: SKYLINE- 10-15-05, 10-15-06, 10-15-07

Three Phase Variacs (3A, Vac=100V (max))
Model: 3ph Dimmer
S.No: 1709008

Single Phase Shunt Motor (1hp, 230V, 3.6A) with spring balance
S.No: 10519,10520,10521
Make: BE

Three Phase Induction Motor (2hp, 415V, 3.5A) coupled with Single Phase
Compound Generator (1hp, 2.9A)
S.No: (10537:1058), (10539:1059), (10538:1057)
Make: BE

Shunt Motor (2hp, 6.4A) coupled with Shunt Generator (1hp, 2.9A)
S.No: (1053:1061), (10524:1060), (10512:1057)

Three Phase Induction Motor (2hp, 3.5A) coupled with Single Phase Shunt
Generator (1hp, 2.9A)
S.No: (10520:1058)
Make: BE

Series Motor (2hp, 6.4A) coupled with Single Phase Shunt
Generator (1hp, 2.9A)
S.No: (10515:1055), (10514:1054), (10513:1056)
Make: BE

Three Phase Induction Motor (2hp, 3.5A) with 2 Shunt
Generators (1hp, 2.9A)
S.No: (11151:10523:10522), (11152:1051:1052)

Resistive Lamp Load
Make: MARS, ME 2328A

Compound Motor (0.5hp, 1.6A)
S.No: (10528), (10529), (10530)
Make: BE

Series Motor (0.5hp, 1.6A)
S.No: (10525), (10526), (10527)
Make: BE

Three Phase Induction Motor (0.5hp, 0.9A)
S.No: (10534), (10535), (10536)
Make: BE

Three Phase Slip Ring Induction Motor (1hp, 1.8A)
S.No: (10540), (10541)
Make: BE

Induction Motor (Cap) (0.5hp, 3A)
S.No: (10531), (10532), (10533)
Make: BE

Shunt Motor (0.5hp, 1.6A)
S.No: (10522), (10523)
Make: BE

Three Phase Synchronous Motor (1hp, 1.8A)
S.No: (10542), (10542),(10543)
Make: BE